Current Projects

If you are interested in writing for our blog, conducting an interview with a researcher, writing a biography, or participating in our speaker series, let us know! Email us at

research blog

Check out our research blog for lay summaries of recently published scientific articles or research findings pertaining to women’s health. Our research blog posts are written by WHIG members on their own research or others’ research that is relevant to their work.

Women’s Health Seminar Series

WHIG will be hosting regular seminar series at Dalhousie, which are open to the public. Women conducting research in any area of women’s health will be invited to share their findings on recently conducted research.

Researcher Bios and Interviews

Every month we’ll be interviewing women who are conducting ground-breaking research, particularly those in women’s health. We’ll hear their stories and experiences of working in academia and research and learn more about their ongoing studies.

Biographies on trainees studying women’s health will also be published to highlight passionate, up-and-coming women in research and academia.


Want to stay up-to-date on everything women’s health? Sign-up to receive our e-newsletter, showcasing upcoming seminar series, recently published blogs, and more.