Tote Fundraiser Poster (2).png


Please consider donating! You'll receive this rad tote bag featuring artwork from a young Anishinaabe artist. $15 minimum donation for local, contactless pickup, or $20 for shipping outside of Halifax. We are all Treaty people.

Women’s health research — by women for women.


The Women’s Health Interest Group, WHIG, is a Dalhousie Society whose purpose is to share research on women's health and to promote women researchers. Blogs, speaker series, interviews with researchers, & more!

WHIG views gender as a fluid concept and does not seek to reinforce the gender binary. We recognize gender and self-identification, not biological sex. Due to the overlapping, current, and historical discrimination and oppression facing women, femme-identifying, and gender non-conforming people, WHIG believes this group is deserving of specific study.


Research Blog

Check out our research blog for lay summaries of recently published scientific articles, or recent study results of research on women’s health issues.

Become a member

If you are a Dalhousie graduate or undergraduate student, you can join WHIG! All are welcome.

interviews with groundbreaking researchers

Read our interviews done with expert women in research to learn more about their ongoing work, experiences being a woman in academia, and more.


Seminar series

Stay tuned for updates on our monthly seminar series. Listen to speakers present on their recent work on a variety of topics relating to women’s health.

advocacy initiatives

WHIG is committed to addressing sexualized violence against women within academic institutions. Stay tuned for upcoming projects.